Corel Draw
Corel Draw
Adobe Photoshop is a raster graphics editor developed and published by Adobe Systems for Windows and Mac OS. It is very important software tool for editors and graphic designers. Adobe Photoshop is the most popular program for creating and modifying images for the web.
This is true not only because Photoshop is available on a wide array of platforms ranging from Mac to Windows to UNIX, but because after four generations of development, Adobe Photoshop has the most intuitive user interface, a complete set of tools, and the largest number of reference books around.

Corel Draw Course
- Navigate the CorelDRAW interface
- Create and manipulate objects
- Use layers and special effects
- Use tools, palettes, symbols, clipart, and work with bitmaps
- Create animations, sprites, and interactive movies
- Explore viewing modes and customizing options
- Outline, fill, and transform objects
- Create and edit images and text
- Save, and print design layouts
- Apply styles and templates